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Prescribing policy that leads to prosperity for the urban disadvantaged.
Research | Jun 13, 2024
The United States is facing demographic headwinds that threaten our nation’s future innovation capacity and economic competitiveness. State-level Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) bans ignore the impact of slowing total population growth and continued White population losses due to declining fertility, normal aging-related mortality, and premature deaths of despair among the prime working-age males.
News & Media | Jan 27, 2022
Urban Investment Strategies Center Director Jim Johnson and UNC Professor Jeanne Milliken Bonds assess the link between childcare systems and U.S. economic and social health, highlighting the way the pandemic has underscored the critical connection – especially in rural and low-income communities.
Kenan Insight | Sep 1, 2022
North Carolina’s 100 counties have experienced an uneven pattern of growth and development over the past decade or so, even during the pandemic, when the state was a magnet for migration. At one end, metropolitan and amenity-rich counties captured most of the growth between April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021; at the other, 21 counties experienced net out-migration. Given these disparities, the Urban Investment Strategies Center offers an approach using targeted economic development strategies.